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Esmaabi Demo of Gamepaly
The aim of this topic is to show to everyone that I am not using any kind of software to enhance my gameplay.
I am sharing my demo here due to high rate of asking by other staff members. I'd like to point out that I have played Counter-Strike activity since 2006. I have been playing more actively around 2010-2014 than now. I started playing in this project at the beginning of May due to quarantine and a fact that I searched for active CSDM servers with decent ping.
Demo: https://files.fm/u/rsz572a5
Also I'd like to share my steam profile where I have shared a screenshot of Global Elite rank that I archived around a year ago (which was mainly my goal in CSGO). I am sharing this because CSGO has better anti-cheat software than HL1 engine and I got respectable rank without getting banned which might show that I am not just a casual player. (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198842650872/screenshots/)
I am sorry that I am writing in English, but my Russian isn't very good in typing, so I decided to make decent post in English. I can understand and read in Russian.
UPDATE: As user "H_A_S_L" suggested I uploaded a screen record of my gameplay (the very next map). I hope this will be last proof I have to display to you guys, because I don't know what else I can show or how to prove my innocents.
Best regards
The aim of this topic is to show to everyone that I am not using any kind of software to enhance my gameplay.
I am sharing my demo here due to high rate of asking by other staff members. I'd like to point out that I have played Counter-Strike activity since 2006. I have been playing more actively around 2010-2014 than now. I started playing in this project at the beginning of May due to quarantine and a fact that I searched for active CSDM servers with decent ping.
Demo: https://files.fm/u/rsz572a5
Also I'd like to share my steam profile where I have shared a screenshot of Global Elite rank that I archived around a year ago (which was mainly my goal in CSGO). I am sharing this because CSGO has better anti-cheat software than HL1 engine and I got respectable rank without getting banned which might show that I am not just a casual player. (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198842650872/screenshots/)
I am sorry that I am writing in English, but my Russian isn't very good in typing, so I decided to make decent post in English. I can understand and read in Russian.
UPDATE: As user "H_A_S_L" suggested I uploaded a screen record of my gameplay (the very next map). I hope this will be last proof I have to display to you guys, because I don't know what else I can show or how to prove my innocents.

Best regards